Trent Valley Archives has an impressive research library that contains over 4000 titles. Our collection includes township histories and other books of local interest as well as titles related to architecture and housing, lumbering, soldiering, railways, gardening and topics pertinent to the experience of people who lived in this area. We also have serials such as Municipal World, Ontario History, Bandwagon, Archivaria and archival and historical newsletters.
To access to the catalogue click here. The search screen allows you to be able to search by Keyword, Title, Author and Subject.
Serial Collections at TVA
It is likely that many researchers/users of the Trent Valley Archives collection are not aware of the serial collections that are to be found in the Processing Room of TVA. This past summer and fall we decided to make a list of these periodicals in order to make them more accessible.
There are a wide variety of subject areas covered by these journals – local history, genealogy, archive management, architecture, postcards, circus history and company magazines such as Blue Bell (Bell Telephone Co,) and the Imperial Oil Review. Some of these collections are complete; others are incomplete.
Click here view a listing of the titles and volumes available at TVA. Some of these titles also have free online access, so where appropriate we have provided a link.
We hope this will be found useful and will encourage visitors to TVA to peruse these copies.