Trent Valley Archives Theatre

TVAT History on stage. An educational and fundraising initiative of the Trent Valley Archives bringing local history to life on stage

Tide of Hope

A Peter Robinson immigration and refugee story

Based on the life of David Nagle and his flight from oppression in Ireland to Upper Canada History theatre for school groups and the general public at the Market Hall Performing Arts Centre

Written by Ed Schroeter
Directed by Gerry McBride
Produced by Mary and Greg Conchelos
Meet the Cast and Crew

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Educational Resources

Plot Synopsis of Tide of Hope (.pdf)
The Characters of Tide of Hope (.pdf)
Bibliography of Tide of Hope (.pdf)
Irish Music Circa 1825 (.pdf)
Background of Robinson Immigration (.pdf)
Heroes or Terrorists – Irish Whiteboys (.pdf)
The Factors Leading to Agrarian Rebellion in Ireland
in the 1820s (.pdf)
The Grievances and Actions of the Whiteboy Rebels in Ireland
in the 1820s (.pdf)