Number: 263
Title: George Butt
Creator: George Butt
Dates of Material: 1927-2003
Physical Description:
Specifications, reports, papers, printed materials, blueprints, and other materials relating to Raybestos Manhattan.
Scope and Contents:
The papers consist of several series.
Series A – Parts Specifications (1927-1946) (Files 1-22)
Series B – Staff and Union Meetings Correspondence Union Agreements (1950-1968) (Files 23-41)
Series C – Rubber Group Meeting Material (1958-1968), Product Steering Committee (1971-1975), Additional reports and financial planning (1964-1982) (Files 42-73)
Series D – Blueprints and plans (1956-1975) (Files 74-88)
Series E – Materials related to Brake Block transfers and Wheelabrators (1972-1982) (Files 89-111)
Series F – Materials related to the effect of asbestos on health (1967-1984) (Files 112-161, 252, 266, 290-297, 301, 303-318)
Series G – Raybestos and Raytech Annual Reports (1961-1993) (Files 162-184, 286)
Series H – Catalogues, manuals and guides relating to products at Raybestos (1938-1983) (Files 185-224, 236-241, 243-251, 253-254, 263, 268, 289)
Series I – Newsletters (Files 225-235, 264, 274, 276-277, 279)
Series J – Correspondence and Photographs (Files 242, 255-256, 275)
Series K – Union Agreements and Information United Steelworkers of America Local 8100 (Files 257-258, 261-262, 267, 273, 278, 281-284)
Access Conditions:
Open to researchers.
Finding Aids:
Available on site.
None Expected
Custodial History:
Donated by George Butt
Biographical Sketch/ Administrative History
George Butt was in management at Raybestos Manhatten Peterborough
Access Points:
Raybestos Manhatten
Royal Commission on Asbestos
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Local 527
United Steelworkers of America Local 8100
Occupational Health and Safety
Volume Series File Title of File Date 1 Date 2 Items
1 A 1 Specifications 1927
1 A 2 Specifications 1928
1 A 3 Specifications 1930
1 A 4 Specifications 1931
1 A 5 Specifications 1932
1 A 6 Specifications 1932
1 A 7 Specifications 1933
1 A 8 Specifications 1933
1 A 9 Specifications 1934
1 A 10 Abbott, Robert 1935
1 A 11 Specifications 1935
1 A 12 Specifications 1936
1 A 13 Specifications 1937
1 A 14 Specifications 1938
1 A 15 Specifications 1939
1 A 16 Specifications 1940
1 A 17 Specifications 1941
1 A 18 Specifications 1942
1 A 19 Specifications 1943
1 A 20 Specifications 1944
1 A 21 Specifications 1945
1 A 22 Specifications 1946
1 B 23 Union – Company Agreements United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Local 527 1950 1962
1 B 24 Safety Work Rules 1962 1972
1 B 25 Staff Meetings 1951
1 B 26 Staff Meetings 1952
1 B 27 Staff Meetings 1953
1 B 28 Staff Meetings 1954
1 B 29 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1966
1 B 30 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1957
1 B 31 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1958
1 B 32 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1959
1 B 33 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1960
1 B 34 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1961
1 B 35 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1962
1 B 36 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1963
2 B 37 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1964
2 B 38 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1965
2 B 39 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1966
2 B 40 Staff Meetings – Friction Group 1967
2 B 41 Union Agreements – Peterborough 1968
2 C 42 Rubber Group Meeting 1958 1959
2 C 43 Rubber Group Meeting 1959
2 C 44 Rubber Group Meeting 1960
2 C 45 Rubber Group Meeting 1961
2 C 46 Rubber Group Meeting 1962
2 C 47 Rubber Group Meeting 1963
2 C 48 Rubber Group Meeting 1964
2 C 49 Rubber Group Meeting 1965
2 C 50 Rubber Group Meeting 1966
2 C 51 Rubber Group Meeting 1967
2 C 52 Rubber Group Meeting 1968
2 C 53 Product Steering Committee 1971
2 C 54 Product Steering Committee 1971 1974
2 C 55 Product Steering Committee 1971
2 C 56 Manufacturing 1972
2 C 57 Product Steering Committee 1972
2 C 58 Product Steering Committee 1973
2 C 59 Product Steering Committee 1974
2 C 60 Product Steering Committee 1975
2 C 61 Peterborough Industrial Rubber Report 1964
3 C 62 Metrification 1974-76
3 C 63 Metrification 1977-78
3 C 64 Quality Control 1974-1975
3 C 65 Management Action Planning Program 1977
3 C 66 Management Action Planning Program 1979
3 C 67 Financial Commentary 1971-72
3 C 68 Financial Planning 1976-77
3 C 69 Financial 1977
3 C 70 Financial Planning 1978
3 C 71 Financial Planning 1979
3 C 72 Customs Duty 1977-79
3 C 73 Financial Planning 1979-82
3 D 74 Dust and Fume Ducts (blueprints)
3 D 75 Raybestos Manhattan (suggested layout) 1956
3 D 76 Plan, Preliminary Plant Addition 1962
3 D 77 Plant Layout 1964
3 D 78 Engineering, Plant II (capital budgets) 1960-65
3 D 79 Building Expansion, Plant II 1965
3 D 80 Mill Room Extension 1965
3 D 81 Plans 1966
3 D 82 Portable Extinguishers 1972
3 D 83 Crawford Drive Layout 1972
4 D 84 Friction Plant 1971
4 D 85 Friction Plant 1972
4 D 86 Recommendations for R & D and Marketing 1972
4 D 87 Price Canada Pays for High Wages 1975
4 D 88 Relocation From Perry St to Vacated Hose Plant, Crawford Drive 1973
4 E 89 Friction Quality Control 1972-1973
4 E 90 Brake Block Transfer 1976-1977
4 E 91 Brake Block Transfer 1977
4 E 92 Brake Block Transfer 1978
4 E 93 Brake Block Transfer 1978
4 E 94 Brake Block Transfer 1978
4 E 95 Brake Block Transfer 1979
4 E 96 Plant Layout 1980-81 Some water damage to documents
5 E 97 Brake Block Transfer 1980-81 blue prints
5 E 98 Brake Block Transfer 1981
5 E 99 Brake Block Transfer 1980 contains correspondence from 1971-72
5 E 100 Brake Block Transfer 1981 Facilities rationalization project
5 E 101 Brake Block Transfer 1981
5 E 102 Fibre and Noise Compliance 1978
5 E 103 Environmental 1980
5 E 104 Energy Use 1978-1982
5 E 105 Dust Collection 1975-1980
5 E 106 Wheelabrator 1978-81
5 E 107 Wheelabrator 1981-82
5 E 108 Wheelabrator 1979-1980
5 E 109 Wheelabrator 1981 Crawfordsville, IN
6 E 110 Odour Problems 1962-76
6 E 111
6 F 112 Stack Emissions Plant II 1967-72
6 F 113 Asbestos Hazard Warnings 1970-75
6 F 114 Environmental Issues 1971-73
6 F 115 Asbestos Information Kit 1972-1978
6 F 116 Asbestos Regulations 1972-1984
6 F 117 Asbestos Hazard Warnings 1976-1979
6 F 118 Noise 1970-1973 occupational health services
6 F 119 Dust Count Procedures 1970-1973
6 F 120 Occupational Health 1971-72
6 F 121 Occupational Health 1971-74
6 F 122 Asbestos Regulations 1972-1973
6 F 123 Environment – the Future is in our hands 1973
6 F 124 Airborne Asbestos Fibre Tests 1973
7 F 125 Airborne Asbestos Fibre Tests 1973-77
7 F 126 OSHA Compliance Program 1974-78
7 F 127 Ontario Ministry of Labour , Dust Count Reports 1975-78
7 F 128 OSHA Compliance Program 1975
7 F 129 Raybestos Strike 1975 newsclippings
7 F 130 Ministry of the Environment 1975-81
7 F 131 Asbestos Litigation Safety 1975-76
7 F 132 Asbestos Seminars 1975-77
7 F 133 Dust Collector Inspection 1975-1982
7 F 134 Occupational Diseases 1975 Ontario Ministry of Health
7 F 135
7 F 136 Environmental Dust 1975
7 F 137 Environmental Dust 1976
8 F 138 Occupational Health 1975-78
8 F 139 Lead Exposure 1975-1981
8 F 140 Emission Monitors 1976-1981
8 F 141 Asbestos Information Association 1976 3rd Annual Industry-Government Conference
8 F 142 Employees Health and Safety Act 1976
8 F 143 Weston Report – Impact of OSHA 1976
8 F 144 Environmental Affairs Committee 1976-1979 Safety Meetings Minutes
8 F 145 Occupational Health 1976-1979
8 F 146 Occupational Health 1976-1977
8 F 147 Environmental Dust 1977
8 F 148 Environmental Dust 1978
8 F 149 Toxic Substance Control 1977
8 F 150 Airborne Asbestos Fibre Tests 1978
8 F 151 Proposed Regulation of Asbestos 1978
8 F 152 Asbestos – Final Report of the advisory committee 1978
9 F 153 Airborne Asbestos Fibre Tests 1979
9 F 154 Ontario Bill 70 1979
9 F 155 Ontario Ministry of Labour , Dust Count Reports 1979-82
9 F 156 Environmental Dust 1979
9 F 157 Environmental Dust 1980-82
9 F 158 Asbestos in Schools 1980
9 F 159 Health and Safety 1980-82
9 F 160 Royal Commission on Asbestos 1981
9 F 161 Respirator Program 1981
10 G 162 RM Canada New Plant 1957
10 G 163 Raybestos Annual Report 1961
10 G 164 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1964
10 G 165 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1966
10 G 166 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1968
10 G 167 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1969
10 G 168 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1970
10 G 169 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1971
10 G 170 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1972
10 G 171 RM Friction Materials Company 1976
10 G 172 Raybestos Manhattan Management News 1977
10 G 173 Raybestos Manhattan 1978
10 G 174 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1980
10 G 175 Raybestos Manhattan Annual Report 1981
10 G 176 Raymark Annual Report 1982
10 G 177 Raymark Annual Report 1983
10 G 178 Raymark Annual Report 1984
10 G 179 Raymark Annual Report 1985
10 G 180 Echlin Inc Annual Report 1985
10 G 181 Raytech Annual Report 1987
10 G 182 Raytech Annual Report 1989
10 G 183 Raytech Annual Report 1992
10 G 184 Raytech Annual Report 1993
10 H 185 Raybestos Industrial Friction Material Catalog 1-510 H
10 H 186 Raybestos Industrial Friction Material Material 22-1F
10 H 187 Brake Service Guide For Fleets
10 H 188 Raybestos Brake Service Guide No 10
10 H 189 Friction Material Data Guide
10 H 190 Engineering Information Bulletin 501
10 H 191 Friction Material for Dry Industrial Applications
10 H 192 Raybestos Brake Service Manual 1938
11 H 193 Raybestos Brake Service Manual 1940
11 H 194 Raybestos Catalogue 1943
11 H 195 Raybestos Catalogue 1944
11 H 196 Raybestos Industrial Catalogue 1946 25th anniversary
11 H 197 RM Asbestos Textiles 1949
11 H 198 Raybestos Industrial Catalogue 1950
11 H 199 Raybestos Products 1953
11 H 200 Raybestos Industrial Friction Material Material 1954 18-1F
11 H 201 Raybestos Brake Service Guide 1954
11 H 202 Raybestos Fan Belt Radiator Hose 1955 Car Mat Date Catalog
11 H 203 Raybestos Brake Linings Products and Data 1955
11 H 204 Raybestos Brake Service Guide 1956
11 H 205 Pyrotex Felts and Tapes 1958 Bulletin No 200
11 H 206 Raybestos Brake Service Guide 1959
11 H 207 Raybestos Brake Service Guide 1959
11 H 208 Raybestos Brake Service Guide 1960
11 H 209 Raybestos Fan Belt Radiator Hose Catalogue 1960
11 H 210 Brake Service Manual 1961
11 H 211 Raybestos Marketing for 1962 Cataloge
11 H 212 RM Pyrotex 1966
11 H 213 Raybestos Booklet 1968
11 H 214 RM Gasket Materials 1968
12 H 215 7
12 H 216 Gaskets 1970s
12 H 217 Rm Rubber Covered Rolls 1970
12 H 218 Raybestos Disc Brake Service Manual 1970
12 H 219 Raybestos Brake Service Manual 1970
12 H 220 Raybestos Specialized Engineering Service 1971
12 H 221 RM Fleurocarbon Products 1972
12 H 222 Quality Brake Blocks 1975
12 H 223 Grey Rock Diagnostic Engineering Service 1976
12 H 224 Grey Rock Heavy Duty Brake Service Manual 1983
13 I 225 Silver Edge 1919 1920 Company Newsletters
13 I 226 Silver Edge 1921
13 I 227 Silver Edge 1922
13 I 228 Silver Edge 1923
13 I 229 Silver Edge 1924
13 I 230 Silver Edge 1925
13 I 231 Silver Edge 1926
13 I 232 Silver Edge 1927
13 I 233 Silver Edge 1928
13 I 234 Silver Edge 1929
13 I 235 Silver Edge 1930
13 H 236 Advertising Cards 1920’s
13 H 237 Brake Linings PG Sets 1934
13 H 238 Catalogue Raybestos 1937
13 H 239 Catalogue Raybestos 1939
13 H 240 Brake Lining Automaotive Data Book 1939
13 H 241 Raybestos Catalogue 1941
13 J 242 Robert Abbott 1944 letter from Sumner Simpson
13 H 243 Raybestos Brake and Clutch Data 1934 1942
14 H 244 Dealers Catalogue 1949
14 H 245 Friction Materials Automotive Data Book 1949
14 H 246 Brakes 1950
14 H 247 Raybestos Automotive Price List 1951
14 H 248 Friction Materials Automotive Data Book 1955
14 H 249 Raybestos Product Directory 1955
14 H 250 Friction Materials Automotive Data Book 1961
14 H 251 Friction Materials Automotive Data Book 1971
14 F 252 Asbestos Federal and State Regulations 1980
14 H 253 Friction Materials Automotive Data Book 1981
14 H 254 Branded Best in Brakes
14 J 255 Raybestos Manhattan Photos Interior
14 J 256 Photo
15 K 257 Collective Agreement 1950 1953
15 K 258 United Steelworkers of America Agreement with Raybestos Manhatten 1955 1981
15 G 259 R M Annual Report 1957
15 G 260 R M Annual Report 1959
15 K 261 Union Agreement 1962
15 K 262 Union Agreement 1962
15 H 263 Useage of Friction Material 1966 1980
15 I 264 Raybestos Manhattan Fifty Year Rubber Goods Producer 1967 News Article
15 C 265 Financials 1968 1970
15 F 266 ATI Air Hygiene Thetford Mines Quebec 1970
15 K 267 Union Agreement 1977
15 H 268 Friction Material Work Practices Guide 1978
15 B 269 Quebec Language Charter Seminar 1978
15 C 270 Business Reports 1979 1981
15 C 271 Financials 1979
15 I 272 Raybestos Manhattan 50 Years 1979
15 K 273 Union Agreement 1979
15 I 274 Great 1980’s Brake Race 1980
15 J 275 Crawford Drive Plant aerial view by K. Wyatt
15 I 276 Facts from Friction Newsletter 1968
15 I 277 Raybestos Manhattan Update 1980
15 K 278 Union News Clippings 1981
15 I 279 Raybestos Open House 1981
15 C 280 Crawfordsville 1981
15 K 281 Union Agreement 1981
15 K 282 Union Reporter 1981
15 K 283 Union Echo 1982 1983
15 K 284 Union Reporter #45 1982
15 C 285 Operating Review 1983
15 G 286 R M Annual Report 1985
15 C 287 Financials 1986
15 C 288 Financials 1986
15 H 289 Tire Pressure 2003
15 F 290 Raymark’s Frederick J. Ross on Asbestos Disease Legislation 1981 1983
15 F 291 R M Medical Issues 1979
15 F 292 Occupational Health Management 1980
15 F 293 Environmental Protection Agency 1980
15 F 294 R M Environmental Digest 1982
15 F 295 Threshold Limit Values 1982
15 F 296 R M Environmental Digest 1982
15 F 297 Occupational Disease Compensation Act 1983
15 K 298 Union Proposed changes 1983
15 I 299 Echlin News 1985
15 K 300 Raybestos Warning 1985
16 F 301 Environmental Facts Johns-Manville 1975
16 I 302 Asbestos Magazine 1976 1978
16 F 303 Bill C35 to Establish Canadian Centre for OH&S 1978
16 F 304 Royal Commission on Asbestos Background Briefing Notes 1980’s
16 F 305 Royal Commission on Asbestos Second Public Meeting 1980
16 F 306 Royal Commission on Asbestos Study No. 1 Collective Bargaining and Abestos Dangers at the Workplace 1981
16 F 307 Royal Commission on Asbestos on matters of health from Use of Asbestos 1982
16 F 308 Royal Commission on Asbestos Study No. 2 Workers Compensation and Asbestos in Ontario 1982
16 F 309 Royal Commission on Asbestos Study No. 6 Workers Attitude about Health and Safety 1982
16 F 310 Royal Commission on Asbestos List of Written Submissions 1982
16 F 311 EPA Petition on Use of Asbestos 1984
16 F 312 Symposium on Inhaled Particles 1985
16 F 313 Asbestos: Effects on Health of Exposure to Asbestos 1985
17 F 314 Royal Commission on Asbestos Phase II, Hearings on Health 1982
17 F 315 Asbestos Substitutes 1984 1986
17 F 316 Report of the Royal Commission on H&S Arising from the Use of Asbestos in Ontario Vol. 1
17 F 317 Report of the Royal Commission on H&S Arising from the Use of Asbestos in Ontario Vol. 2
17 F 318 Report of the Royal Commission on H&S Arising from the Use of Asbestos in Ontario Vol. 3