Title: Electric City Collection
Creator: Elwood Jones and Bruce Dyer
Dates of material: 1830’s-1986
Physical description:
Repository: Trent Valley Archives
Reference number: Fonds 50
Scope and content:
The Electric City Collection of prints, slides, and photographs was created by Elwood Jones and Bruce Dyer, primarily in connection with the writing of Peterborough: The Electric City (Windsor Publishers, 1987), still the most useful introduction to the history of Peterborough. The subjects range widely over the themes of local history including: sports, entertainment, public figures, architecture, etc.
The photographs are organized in the following series:
Series 1.0 Photographs that are pre-1875
Volume 1 1.001
Volume 2 1.101
Series 2.0 Photographs from 1875-1925
Volume 3 2.001
Volume 4 2.101
Volume 5 2.201
Series 3.0 Photographs from 1925-1986
Volume 6 3.001
Volume 7 3.101
Volume 8 3.250
Slides of Peterborough
Volume 10
Volume 11
Series 4.0 Photographs that were acquired after 1987.
Volume 12
Volume 13
Volume 14
Series 5.0 and Series 6.0 Photos that were acquired since 2000.
Volume 15
Series 7.0 Hunter Street Bridge
Volume 9
Series 8.0 John Sandfield Macdonald
Volume 9
Access Conditions:
Subject to copyright limitations, the collection may be used by members. If wishing to publish the photos, special permission must be obtained. Photos from this collection should be credited to
Trent Valley Archives, Electric City Collection, F50.
Photos with numbers should add the specific reference number to the foregoing credit line.
Finding aids:
Available on site. The finding aids are generally limited to specific series, so it is helpful to know which series will be pertinent.
More expected.
Custodial history:
Collection to be donated by Elwood Jones.
Access points
Peterborough Industry
Commercial history
Hunter Street bridge construction
Peterborough Exhibition
Lift Lock construction
John Sandfield Macdonald
File List .pdf
File List .pdf