Title: Foster Russell (1907-1984) Collection
Creator: Foster Russell
Dates of Material: 1848-1984
Physical Description: c. 3 metres
Scope and Contents:
A. Correspondence and related papers, 6 cu ft, 1944-1983, some historical items, 1823-1903
Business correspondence of the Cobourg Sentinel Star, 1944-1983; of Northumberland Publishers, 1962-1969; of CHUC United Counties Broadcasting System, 1956-1967; reports (many on county restructuring or planning) related to Cobourg, Hamilton township, Northumberland County, and the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham; personal correspondence on various subjects; letters to the editor, 1973-1975; correspondence with Wallace Havelock Robb, 1963-1969; together with files related to local politics and history, notably the anti-flouridation campaign, 1961-1965; libel cases, 1958-1970; Joseph Scriven and What A Friend I Have in Jesus; Levi Charles Russell (1883-19xx ); the Sir Arthur Currie trial in Port Hope, 1928; Trinity United Church, 1949-1972; Victoria Opera House, 1952; Heritage Ganaraska Foundation; John Freeman murder case, 1964; Masonic Lodge, 1861-1921; and historical articles by Percy L. Climo on Cobourg Heavy Battery, Cobourg Birthdate; and open voting in Canadian elections. Original historical documents include a “Farmers Attend!” poster, 1823; incidental 19th century newspapers for Cobourg and Millbrook; 1967 facsimile editions of 19th century newspapers; and Climo’s notes on the voting poll books for Cobourg in 1872. This series includes the research notes, literary manuscript drafts of Russell’s book, What A Friend We Have in Jesus.
B. Literary Manuscripts, 92 items, 1949-1982
Editorials, speeches and essays commenting on the changing scene, usually with humour and authority.
C. Photographs, 1949-1982
Photographs related to Millbrook, often with connections to Levi Charles Russell, and with Foster Russell’s childhood; as well as photographs related to Cobourg and area.
D. Cobourg Sentinel-Star, newspapers, 1953-1970
Master file of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star, 1953-1970
Access Conditions:
Open to researchers.
Finding Aids:
Available on site.
None expected.
Custodial History:
Collection donated to the Cobourg Public Library by Robin Russell, son of Foster Russell. In the spring of 2003, it was sent to the Trent Valley Archives (Peterborough) for organising, describing, and creating a finding aid. In the spring of 2004, the collection was returned to the Cobourg Public Library.
Biographical Sketch/ Administrative History
Foster Russell (1907-1984) was publisher of the Cobourg Sentinel Star newspaper (1959-74), founder of CHUC radio station and United Counties Broadcasting Corporation, columnist, author, historian, politician. This collection contains a great deal of information about Cobourg area business, society, history, and politics. There is also many photographs and information concerning the village of Millbrook in the early decades of the 20th century, while Foster Russell was growing up there, and historical documentation of the Russell and Meharry families.
Access Points:
Cobourg, Ontario
Cobourg Sentinel Star newspaper
CHUC Radio Station
United Counties Broadcasting Corporation
Russell Family
Meharry Family
Cobourg Business & Industry
Hamilton Township, 1970s
Heritage Ganaraska Foundation, 1980-82
Scriven, Joseph
Millbrook, Ontario
Northumberland County, Ontario
Durham County, Ontario
Northumberland Publishers, 1962-69
Cobourg Business & Professional Women’s Club (Jean Russell), 1967-88
Colpitts, Robert (1791-1842)
Diamond Triangle Committee, 1972
Amnesty International, 1984
Fonds Volume Series File Title of file Dates Items
Series A: Correspondence and related papers
1 A 1 Allison, R.S. – Shooting Death 1964, May Typed Article, Telegrams, Newspaper Article
1 A 2 Amnesty International 1984, Feb. Letters, re Willis Knuckles in Liberia
1 A 3 Application for Radio License 1956-1957 Start-up letters & Applications for CHUC (Cobourg)
1 A 4 Appointment to Human Rights Tribunal
1 A 5 Assorted Writings File 1 Assigned to Series 2
1 A 6 Assorted Writings File 2 Assigned to Series 2
1 A 7 Audit Bureau of Circulation 1942-1965
1 A 8 Awards Certificates 1964, 1966 International Conference of Weekly Newspaper
1 A 8 Death Certificates 1903 Death Certificate (photocopy) – Jane Meharry
1 A 8 Funeral notices (photocopy) 1950, 1928, 1946 Russell, William Henry 1950; Letitia Blackstock Russell 1928; Robert Andrew Russell 1946
1 A 8 Marriage Certificates 1938, 8 May Marriage Certificate – F.M. Russell & Jean Dickinson
1 A 9 Baha’i Faith in Hope Township 1983, 1984 News articles, correspondence, Sep 1983 – Feb 1984
1 A 9 Baha’i Faith in Hope Township 1983, April 24 Sermon, “A Word About our Baha’i Neighbors and the Persecution in Iran” (Port Hope United Church,
1 A 9 Baha’i Faith in Hope Township 1983, Jan 16 Invitation, World Religion Day Celebration
1 A 10 Barnum House Museum 1957, 1963, 1965 Press releases, correspondence, articles, brochure
1 A 11 Beatty Telephone, Garden Hill photographs 7
1 A 12 Braids of Beauty 1960 Assigned to Series 2
1 A 13 Business and Professional Women’s Club 1967-88 Scrapbook and other records compiled by Jean Russell
1 A 14 Buyology Assigned to Series 2
1 A 15 Ankorn, Bud 1965-66 Correspondence re: dispute with George Hees, MP
1 A 16 Canadian Flag 1964 Correspondence with Allan McNaughton MP, Debates offprint
1 A 17 Canadian Library Association 1966 speech (copy)
1 A 18 Caricatures of Cobourg figures [1960s] Stephens, W W, Artists’ original pen and ink
caricatures (8): Roy Dodge, Mayor Joe Smith,
Jack Erskine, Victor Climo, Harvey Brent, George
Galbraith, W. E. Cooper, and Town Clerk Jack Ewart
1 A 19 Centennial reprints 1967 Correspondence re reprinting Cobourg newspaper
articles from 1867
1 A 20 Cervi Award nomination 1984 Correspondence, resume, award criteria
1 A 21 Tupper, Charles Andrew 1961-75 Correspondence, poetry, music related to
Tupper’s career
1 A 22 CHUC / United Counties Broadcasting Corporation 1956-59 Correspondence relating to radio station
1 A 23 CHUC / United Counties Broadcasting Corporation 1963-67 Correspondence, financial statements and other
records relating to radio station
1 A 24 CHUC / United Counties Broadcasting Corporation 1957-66 Tax records and financial records
1 A 25 Cobourg Industrial Profile 1958? Cobourg Industrial Commission Report
1 A 26 Cobourg Sentinel Star 1959-74 Correspondence, court documents, etc
1 A 27 Cobourg Sentinel Star 1948-57 Financial statements (12)
1 A 18A Cartoons – Famous Local Characters 1934 Famous Cobourg Characters from Cobourg
World series
1 A 9A Russell, Foster news story 1982 Aug 25 Former Cobourg Publisher Cited as Fine Example
of Fine Young Journalists (25 Aug. 1982)
2 A 28 Cobourg Sentinel Star 1952-68 Appraisals, 1952, 1962, 1968 and insurance
audit, 1957
2 A 29 Cobourg Sentinel Star volume 125 1954-55 Letters received
2 A 30 Cobourg World incorporated with Sentinel Star 1948 Drafts, holograph and typed, of newspaper column
2 A 31 Colborne Chronicle 1968 Agreement for sale
2 A 32 Colpitts, Robert (1791-1842) letters Bound typescript of letters compiled by Henry
Wade, with additional materials
2 A 33 Columnist 1969-80 1980 Literary mss
2 A 34 Committee on the Costs of Education 1972 submission and related papers
2 A 35 Communism arrives in Cobourg 1950 editorial mss on battle between UE and IUE,
2 A 36 Correspondence 1950-69 some photocopies
2 A 37 Correspondence 1967-75 some photocopies
2 A 38 Correspondence 1948-75 some photocopies
2 A 39 Criminality and personality of the homeless transient 1961 summary of Toronto research report by W T
Little, MSW
2 A 40 Currie, Sir Arthur, trial 1928 1969? research notes and draft literary mss
2 A 41 Dead mother wolf and live pups 1968 photos, news story and correspondence
2 A 42 Death of Foster Russell 1984 Sept press release, news stories
2 A 43 Diamond Triangle Committee 1972 Brief to the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
re urban planning
2 A 44 Dog control in Hamilton Twp 1973
2 A 45 Driver education in high school 1966 editorial correspondence
2 A 46 Expo scandal 1967 Literary mss
2 A 47 Sentinel Star artifacts 1965 Journalism award; coin card by mail
2 A 48 Retirement 1969 letters of congratulation; includes TLS Robert N
Thompson, MP
2 A 49 Flouridation of Cobourg water supply 1961-65 anti-flouridation information
2 A 50 For little boys: Japanese reprint 1967 Cobourg editorial reprinted in Japanese;
includes lithograph plate of reprint
2 A 51 Godkin, George [Turner Valley AB] 1950 correspondence relating to Byron Grant Godkin
2 A 52 Ham Brown- The Miser of Sudbury Literary mss written by Charles E. Burrison
2 A 53 Hamilton Township 1972 Materials relating to Council; re reports, budget,
engineer drawings
2 A 54 Hamilton Township 1972 Materials relating to Council; re town plan, fire
2 A 55 Hamilton Township 1972, 1973 Zoning By-Law, Property Insurance
2 A 28A Cobourg Sentinel Star 1947-60 General correspondence
2 A 28B Cobourg Sentinel Star 1949-61 General correspondence
2 A 42A Russell, R W Jean vs David Burnie 1986 Examination for discovery
3 A 56 Hamilton Township Elections 1974-1976 Voting Lists,correspondence, nomination for
Reeve (Russell)
3 A 57 Hanged in Effigy 1964 Correspondence relating to Russell’s dispute
with Nicholson File
3 A 58 Heritage Ganaraska Foundation 1980-1982 Documents and Records
3 A 59 High on the Hog 1963 Published copy by Russell, quotes from book
3 A 60 High on the Hog 1963 Manuscript copy of High on the Hog
3 A 61 History of Lakeport Manuscipt copy
3 A 62 Hoselton, Carl Carver 1973 Manuscript of column written by Russell
3 A 63 Ink in Our Soul 1941-1968 Copies editorial reprints
3 A 64 Cockburn, James 1967-1984 Correspondence, re; James Cockburn Centennial
3 A 65 Freeman, John, murder case 1964 Literary mss: “The Story of a Boy and a Guinea
Pig” 2 drafts; etc
3 A 66 Scriven, Joseph 1964 research notes and draft literary mss
3 A 67 Scriven, Joseph 1962-83 research notes and draft literary mss
3 A 68 Judge went to jail Literary mss: 105 pp
3 A 69 Russell, Levi Charles 90th birthday party 1973 scrapbook pages; pamphlet
3 A 70 Russell, Levi Charles 1974-84 power of attorney and related papers
3 A 71 Lennox to Wesleyville 500kv Transmission Corridor 1972 Ontario Hydro Report and maps, Fed. of Ontario
Naturalists impact analysis
3 A 72 Letters to the Editor by F.M. Russell 1973-1975 Copies
3 A 73 Libel Case F.M. Russell vs Canadian Sponsor 1960-1961 Correspondence, Legal and Radio CHUC
3 A 74 Libel Case Sentinel Star vs J.D. Burnet 1958-1961 Correspondence, Legal some Copies
3 A 75 Libel Case Sentinel Star vs Port Hope Hospital 1969-1970 Correspondence, Legal,some Copies,
handwritten notes
3 A 76 Hamilton Township Electoral Lists 1974-76
3 A 69A Millbrook Public and Continuation School 1979 pamphlet for 90th anniversary
4 A 77 Hamilton Township Electoral Lists 1978
4 A 78 Hamilton Township History of Lots 23 and 24 1969 Mss Copy of History of Lots 23 and 24, Con. A,
Hamilton Township
4 A 79 Lovejoy Award Letters 1965 Correspondence, some Copies
4 A 80 Mental Health in Cobourg 1965 Correspondence, Article,Photos, Ont. Homes for
Mentally Retarded Infants Progress Reports
4 A 81 Millbrook, Ontario 1909,1952, 1979 Letters, Baseball Poster,Millbrook Public and
Continuation School, Copy of Brief History of
Cavan Township and Millbrook Village 1816-1937,
Photograph of Millbrook Public School ?
4 A 82 Mercury, Cobourg Weekly Newspaper 1969 Copies of Mercury Newspapers, Publishing costs,
advertisement information
4 A 83 Mini Thoughts by F.M. Russell 1959-79 Anecdotes, printed and handwritten
4 A 87 Mortgages and property
4 A 88 Mounted photos transferred to photographic series
4 A 89 No Greek gets my vote
4 A 90 Nolan Sisson
4 A 91 Northumberland County Restructuring 1972-78
4 A 92 Northumberland County Restructuring 1950-1978
4 A 93 Northumberland County Restructuring 1974-1978
4 A 94 Northumberland Publishers 1962-1969 financial statements
4 A 95 Northumberland Publishers 1963-1969 financial statements
4 A 84A Book of Champions: Hockey Pictorial: history of the great Canadian sport 1926
4 A 84B Chaloner, J S, “The Cobourg Thorn” [1871 nd Newspaper of 1871 discussed
4 A 84C Cobourg Germany greetings 1964
4 A 84D Endangered species in Illinois
4 A 85A Cobourg Centennial: Old Boys Reunion 1837-1937 1937
4 A 85B Hamilton Township Dominion Govt visits 1895
4 A 85C Masonic Lodge 1861-1921 1921
4 A 85D Skier small oil painting
4 A 86A Cairns of Peace; World Ploughing Contests
4 A 86B Calcutt family genealogy
4 A 86C Cobourg & Peterborough Railway facsimile share certificate 1873
4 A 86D Cobourg Conservation Area official opening 1973
4 A 86E Climo, Percy L 1965 Cobourg Heavy Battery
4 A 86F Climo, Percy L 1983 Cobourg’s Birth Date Controversy
4 A 86G Cobourg & District Historical Society: Historical Review 3 1983-1984
4 A 86H Cobourg Horse Show 1930
4 A 86I Grafton Telephone Directory 1907
4 A 86J Gwynne, Neil, Home Sketches
4 A 86K Lucas Point Hamilton Twp 1974
4 A 86L McDonald, Mrs Donald, Victoria Park 1947 Victoria Park
4 A 86M Ontario religious statistics 1951
4 A 86N Willow Beach Field Naturalists
4 A 86O Stenhouse, James Baptists in Osgoode twp
5 A 96 Northumberland Publishers
5 A 97 Northumberland Publishers
5 A 98 Cobourg Planning Area official plan
5 A 99 Cobourg Saturday Morning Post 1892 Sep 3 1967 facsimile
5 A 99 Cobourg Sentinel 1867 Jul 6 1967 facsimile
5 A 99 Cobourg Sentinel Star 1890 Jan 9
5 A 99 Cobourg Thorn 1872 Feb 3
5 A 99 Cobourg World 1867 Jul 5 1967 facsimile
5 A 99 Cobourg World 1884 Aug 22
5 A 99 Daily Mail and Empire 1900 Aug 25
5 A 99 Farmers Attend [Broadside] 1823
5 A 99 MCS Fortnightly Star 1924 Jan 25
5 A 99 Millbrook Colonist 1864 Feb 24
5 A 99 Millbrook Messenger 1866 Apr 25
5 A 99 Millbrook Messenger 1866 May 2
5 A 99 Millbrook Messenger 1866 May 16
5 A 99 Millbrook Messenger 1881 Nov 9
5 A 99 Millbrook Reporter 1900 Oct 18
5 A 99 Montreal Gazette 1830 Nov 11 1967 facsimile
5 A 99 Old papers
5 A 99 Peterborough Examiner 1901 Jan 22 very fragile
5 A 99 Port Hope Commercial Advertiser 1848 Feb 5
5 A 99 Port Hope Weekly Guide 1859 Mar 26
5 A 99 St Thomas Canadian Home Journal 1863 Jun 18
5 A 99 Victoria Warder 1896 May 1
5 A 100 One small drop of ink literary mss submitted to United Church Observer
5 A 101 Ontario Water Resources Commission award 1968
5 A 102 Orange Hall Burgess property 1981 appraisal, TLS Jane Beecroft
5 A 103 Order of Canada 1983 nominations of Russell Foster
5 A 104 Park, R J, D O 1964 his “A brief sketch of my life”; ALS, Edna C.,
25 Feb 1964
5 A 105 Political Writings transferred to Series B
5 A 106 Petition to President of USA [Richard Nixon] 1971 Veritas omnia vincit
5 A 107 Poetry 1931, 1936
5 A 108 Port Hope Connection and Coldwater experience literary drafts
5 A 109 Port Hope Hydro Electric Commission 1968 history by Lula Clarissa Beatty
5 A 110 Property concerns
5 A 111 Westwood, proposed new school on 1970-72 fading copy
5 A 112 Sentinel Star readership survey 1944
5 A 113 Fleming, David Mrs: “Reminiscences of the Early Days” 1921 xerox copy
5 A 114 Restricted area bylaw [1967]
5 A 115 Robb, Wallace Havelock 1963-79 correspondence with writer
5 A 116 Russell, Robin 1968
5 A 117 Rooke, R C
5 A 118 Rustige, Harry
5 A 119 CHUC / UCBC sale to Williamson 1959 Williamson, D
5 A 120 Sentinel Star sale / purchase 1946-1983 61 documents
5 A 121 Scriven Road penultimate draft of What A Friend We Have in
5 A 122 Climo, Percy L, Open Voting at Elections in Canada 1964 Voters lists, 1874 and historical article
5 A 123 Sheep Slaughter literary mss and photos
5 A 124 Song writing 1960-61 correspondence re: “The Maple”; music by Lew
5 A 125 Students visiting Sentinel Star 1967 group photos and names of students
5 A 125A Suicide note 1962 literary mss submitted to Readers’ Digest
6 A 126 This is my concern [1960s] responses to challenge, prepared for publication
6 A 127 This is my concern responses to challenge, prepared for publication
6 A 128 This is my concern – letters ALSs from Hazen Argue, Healey Willan,
6 A 129 Chiasson, Thomas J
6 A 130 Town of Cobourg Municipal Council
6 A 131 Times Publishing Company Ltd, Colborne
6 A 132 Trinity United Church Cobourg 1949-1972 annual reports printed in pamphlets
6 A 133 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
6 A 134 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
6 A 135 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
6 A 136 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
6 A 137 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
6 A 138 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
6 A 139 Hamilton Township
6 A 140 Hamilton Township
7 A 141 Victoria Opera House 1952 souvenir programme
7 A 142 Victoria Plaza Bookshop 1963-64
7 A 143 Warner, Kate 1966 letters to the editor re: lady killed in car accident
7 A 144 What a Friend We Have in Jesus literary mss
7 A 145 Winter, Edward and Thelma 1964-69 Cleveland artist: 4 TLSs, two photos
7 A 146 Woodger, Ruby 1953 legal papers
7 A 147 World Championship Ploughing Match literary mss of first world ploughing match,
Cobourg 1953
7 A 144A What a Friend We Have in Jesus – index Climie, Percy J prepared index to book
Series B: Literary manuscripts 1949-1978
7 B 1 Blackballed by a do-gooder
7 B 2 Buyology -The professional way to sell a car
7 B 3 Communication in the Market
7 B 4 Cry of a Broken Wing
7 B 5 Culture in Cobourg (Jane Meharry)
7 B 6 Dollar is a coward
7 B 7 Drugstore needs good neighbours
7 B 8 Freedom of the Flesh
7 B 9 Freedom with Responsibility
7 B 10 Gift of Summer
7 B 11 Green Fields of Discovery
7 B 12 Harvey was his Name
7 B 13 How Much Should We “Do For” Our Children?
7 B 14 I am fifty-five years of age
7 B 15 In Millbrook, a spark of interest spawned
7 B 16 Interruptions
7 B 17 It is that sort of world in Metro
7 B 18 It Went Around the World
7 B 19 Job no one wants
7 B 20 Joe Lobbied
7 B 21 Laird of Harwood (Charlie Burrison)
7 B 22 Letterbox
7 B 23 Libel of the Dead
7 B 24 Lost generation
7 B 25 Name-callers
7 B 26 New World in a Backyard
7 B 27 Printer and the computer
7 B 28 Push Button Toilette
7 B 29 Question of Limitations
7 B 30 Readers eat 420,000 meals a week
7 B 31 Royal variable
7 B 32 Scab
7 B 33 Shape of Word and the tone of poem
7 B 34 Shot you fired in the bushland
7 B 35 Special Day of Remembrances
7 B 36 Subject of Amalgamation
7 B 37 Survival?
7 B 38 Ticket to a Hobby
7 B 39 Utopia, Here we come
7 B 40 Vignettes of a brief visit to Arizona
7 B 41 Was she not so very fair (with photo)
7 B 42 Words and Music
7 B 43 Your Get-up-And-Go (Jane Meharry)
7 B 44 You can eat sweets and still have an enamel gleam 1949
7 B 45 Business and the Beginner 1950
7 B 46 Adventure in Journalism 1959
7 B 47 All Suddenly 1959 poems
7 B 48 Offset advertising 1955
7 B 49 Barber in the Bedroom 1959
7 B 50 Inside the Fence 1959
7 B 51 Let’s not co-exist 1959
7 B 52 Picturesque speech 1959
7 B 53 Salient element 1959
7 B 54 Smooth road of conformity 1959
7 B 55 Training in Bigness 1959
7 B 56 Have we forgotten Canada 1960s
7 B 57 Split-level nationhood 1960s
7 B 58 Braids of Beauty 1960
7 B 59 Factorized Education 1960
7 B 60 Just a matter of sorghum 1960
7 B 61 Meharry Story 1960
7 B 62 Non-objective abstract 1960
7 B 63 Judith says the idea has merit: to abolish women’s clubs 1961
7 B 64 More important than people 1962
7 B 65 April Fool Joke on Tradition 1963
7 B 66 Business luncheon 1963
7 B 67 Facing the real truth inside Ontario 1963
7 B 68 Home within a home 1963
7 B 69 Lord give us men 1963 poems
7 B 70 One night behind bars 1963
7 B 71 Plea for a pro-Canada 1963
7 B 72 Newspaper night is the time to take inventory 1964
7 B 73 Ontario Library Assn address 1966
7 B 74 Don’t vote for me, please 1967
7 B 75 Music when soft voices die 1967
7 B 76 Letter re Lovejoy Memorial 1967
7 B 77 Visit to PEI in Confederation 1967
7 B 78 Threat to the Printed Word 1969
7 B 79 Survey 1969
7 B 80 Har-ha-rumph [1970]
7 B 81 A tree is … 1971
7 B 82 Card home 1971
7 B 83 United Counties 1972
7 B 84 Indelible days of father 1973
7 B 85 Point of time 1973
7 B 86 Monday Scratch Pad: What is a child? 1973
7 B 87 New concept of government 1974
7 B 88 Northumberland Children’s Aid Society: You’ve come a long way, baby 1975
7 B 89 Northumberland Family & Children’s Services 1975
7 B 90 Censorship 1976
7 B 91 Human Rights Tribunal appointment 1978
7 B 92 Korah, Susan [1982]
Series C: Photographs
7 C 1 Adventure in Journalism, Cobourg Sentinental Star, 1959. 1959
7 C 1 Baby photographs of Robin Russell, n.d. nd
7 C 1 Christmas pageant, 1917 1917
7 C 1 Cobourg lakeshore, n.d. c 1970s It is probably from the 1970-1973, because of
photo print stock
7 C 1 Foster Russell & Emily Nicholl, September, 1968. 1968 Lawn Bowling trophy winners. Article Cobourg
7 C 1 Foster, unidentified woman and man., n.d. nd
7 C 1 Group of old men in the late 1950’s. c 1950s Levi Russell is seated on the right. Unidentified
young man in the background.
7 C 1 Hamilton property, Cobourg, 1969– 1969 J.W.C.–writing on back of photos giving
7 C 1 History photos of Millbrook school & school team. nd n.d. and no identification.
7 C 1 Interior of Millbrook Reporter, n.d. nd
7 C 1 Lawn Bowling trophy, n.d. nd
7 C 1 Millbrook Baseball team circa 1905. c 1905 Levi Russell is seated second from the right.
7 C 1 Millbrook Continuation School Military Cadets, 1922 1922
7 C 1 Millbrook High School team. Foster is sitting first row right.
7 C 1 Millbrook Hockey team, 1910. 1910 Levi Russell is standing second from the right.
7 C 1 Millbrook Lacrosse team. Manitoba Champions, n.d. nd
7 C 1 Millbrook Public Shool Photo. Levi Russell is located on the left.
7 C 1 Millbrook Reporter Interior, n.d. nd Showing the Hoe Press
7 C 1 Millbrook Reporter staff, n.d. nd Levi is second from left.
7 C 1 Millbrook School photo.n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 1 Millbrook School photo.n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 1 Millbrook’s Professional & Business Club in 1899. 1899 Foster’s grandfather is the in the group.
7 C 1 Pebblebeach Road, Cobourg, 1968 1968
7 C 1 Levi Russell (third from left) outside Millbrook Reporter
7 C 1 Millbrook man and goat. nd
7 C 1 Photo of vandalism in Cobourg nd
7 C 1 Schoolchildren nd
7 C 1 Unidentified group visits Parliament Hill c 1960s Robin Russell is front row left.
7 C 1 Unidentified old couple. nd
7 C 1 Unidentified place and n.d. nd
7 C 1 Unidentified young man, back photo is that of Doug Hogg. nd
7 C 1 Woman unidentified and n.d. nd
7 C 2 1972 wedding anniversary notice original and smaller photo. no identification 1972
7 C 2 Alderville Church, n.d. nd
7 C 2 End of CNR station, Millbrook, 1941 1941
7 C 2 Fisherman, n.d. and no identification. nd
7 C 2 Football team,n.d. and no identification. nd
7 C 2 Foster and wax statue of William Lyon Mackenzie, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Group of little boys. Garnett Russell is standing in the back centre. n.d. nd
7 C 2 Group of men, n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 2 Haldimand Baptist Church post-card
7 C 2 Lawn Bowling dinner photos, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Levi and Foster take top honours in lawn bowling, 1963. 1963
7 C 2 Levi and Foster take top honours in lawn bowling, 1963. Newspaper article. 1963
7 C 2 Levi Russell and Secondary school students, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Levi Russell in Millbrook, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Marjorie Douglas arrival and marriage Rolf Kenton, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Millbrook Independents Championship team, 1909 1909
7 C 2 Millbrook Lacrosse team. Manitoba Champions, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Millbrook Presbyterian Baseball team, 1905. Levi Russell is seated second from the left. 1905
7 C 2 Millbrook Presbyterian Baseball team, 1905. Levi Russell is seated second from the left. 1905
7 C 2 Millbrook Presbyterian Baseball team, 1905. Levi Russell is seated second from the left. 1905
7 C 2 Millbrook Presbyterian Baseball team, 1905. Levi Russell is seated second from the left. 1905
7 C 2 Millbrook Railway station, 1941 1941
7 C 2 Millbrook Reporter press, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Millbrook Reporter press, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Millbrook School photo.n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 2 Nurse and invalid, n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 2 Pageant, Millbrook Town Hall, 1917. Foster’s mother made arrangements 1917
7 C 2 Pageant, Millbrook Town Hall, 1917. Foster’s mother made arrangements 1917
7 C 2 Pioneer monument, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Port Hope Guide float, 1946 1946
7 C 2 Presbyterian Church School, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Pulpit front,n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 2 Robin Russell Graduation notice. n.d. Robin taught at Ryerson and went to Ottawa. Wentinto newspaper business. nd
7 C 2 Salvation Army members, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Salvation Army members, n.d. nd
7 C 2 Same photo, smaller size
7 C 2 Spoof photo, n.d. nd
7 C 2 The King’s Fisherman, n.d. and no identification nd
7 C 2 Two women and harpsichord, n.d. nd
7 C 2 U.S.S. United States deck, 1954 1954
7 C 2 White house. n.d and no identification.
7 C 2 Young Men’s class, Grace Presbyterian Church, Millbrook, 1915. J.C.Russell is standing on the left.
7 C 3 Cemetery. Foster is on the left. Unidentified couple., n.d.
7 C 3 Cemetery. Foster is second from the right, with unidentified woman and girl.n.d.
7 C 3 Dinner for Levi Russell, n.d.
7 C 3 Ditto, Highland Dancers and Grandstand spectators, n.d., but probably around 1970-71
7 C 3 Dog, n.d. and no identification
7 C 3 Farmer delegation from Nova Scotia, n.d.
7 C 3 Formal dinner. Foster third from left. Levi, second from right., n.d.
7 C 3 Foster Russell & the wax statue of William Lyon Mackenzie,n.d.
7 C 3 Foster Russell at a rally, n.d. and no identification, probably post-war
7 C 3 Foster Russell n.d.
7 C 3 Foster Russell wins award for editorial, n.d.
7 C 3 Foster Russell, unidentified young boy and woman,n.d.
7 C 3 Male highlander, n.d.
7 C 3 More photos from visit, n.d.
7 C 3 Racers,n.d., but probably around 1970-71
7 C 3 Track & Field meet, Tug of War, n.d., but probably around 1970-71
7 C 3 Trophies, n.d.
7 C 3 Unidentified group in front of office building. Robin Russell is front row, right. n.d. but suspected around the middle of the 1960’s.
7 C 3 Unidentified group in front of Victorian-era office building. Robin Russell is front row centre. n.d. but suspected to be around the early to middle 1970’s.
7 C 3 Vendor, n.d.
7 C 3 Woman highland, n.d.
8 D Cobourg Sentinel Star hard copies 19530813 Incomplete set of newspapers from August 13,
1953 to October 7, 1967. There are many gaps
and some of the papers are very fragile.
9 D Cobourg Sentinel Star hard copies 19680103 Incomplete set of newspapers from January 3,
1968 to March 6, 1968, March 20-July 31,
August 14-December 25. They are in fair to
good condition. There are some duplicates.
10 D Cobourg Sentinel Star hard copies 19690101 Incomplete set of newspapers from January 1,
1969 to January 15, and February 5 to June 25.
They are in fair to good condition.
There are some duplicates.
11 D Cobourg Sentinel Star hard copies 19690702 Complete set of newspapers from July 2 to
October 29, 1969. There are some duplicates.
12 D Cobourg Sentinel Star hard copies 19691105 Complete set of newspapers from November 5
to 29. There are some duplicates.
13 D Cobourg Sentinel Star hard copies 19701209 Incomplete set of newspapers from December 9,
1970 to December 19, 1973. Between January
3, 1973 and December 19, there a lot of one-
page excerpts. There is a one -page from the
January 20, 1973 edition of the Peterborough
Examiner,p.5-6. The post-1970 edition is
interesting for the change of format to a tabloid